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Showing posts from August, 2023

Silent No More! Regretting Abortion, A Story and Hope/Help for Others!

  I read this book recently, Silent No More, by Sister Anne Sophie, what a nice story, sad, but true and a reality for many today who have had abortions, whether forced or not, women feel bad after an abortion, they have a lot of guilt. She tells a sad story of her childhood and all the abuse and the forced abortion. I applaud this nun to take the time to write this book and tell her story. It took courage for sure. Now she is on a mission to saving souls and stopping abortion. What a saint! We must do more in this country and world to save the lives of innocent, helpless, voiceless babies in the womb. I applaud this nun for using her life experiences to do just that! Saving the lives of babies!  Write her at:  found at: BUSINESS CONTACT Anne Sophie Superintendent Email: