I read this book recently, Silent No More, by Sister Anne Sophie, what a nice story, sad, but true and a reality for many today who have had abortions, whether forced or not, women feel bad after an abortion, they have a lot of guilt. She tells a sad story of her childhood and all the abuse and the forced abortion. I applaud this nun to take the time to write this book and tell her story. It took courage for sure. Now she is on a mission to saving souls and stopping abortion. What a saint! We must do more in this country and world to save the lives of innocent, helpless, voiceless babies in the womb. I applaud this nun for using her life experiences to do just that! Saving the lives of babies! Write her at: www.societyofthebodyofchrist.com found at: https://www.allbiz.com/business/society-of-the-body-of-christ-361-814-7685 BUSINESS CONTACT Anne Sophie Superintendent Email: savesoul@swbell.net
Unborn Lives Matter to God! Protect our babies. All unborn lives matter to God and many people. We need to protect them from murder, a real holocaust of today of innocence in our world. Unborn lives matter! Pray pray to end all abortions and the souls of the unborn who are not allowed to be born. God bless the unborn!