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Showing posts from November, 2023

Glory Be to God! This Was a Headline that Was Nice to See Today!

  I saw this headline today in the news on Newsmax. I was so happy to see this. That the overturn of Roe Vs. Wade by the Supreme Court has made an impact on the birthrate and at least 32,000 babies being saved! What a nice bit of news! I am so happy it could save so many babies. We all still need to work harder at saving more. Millions of babies are murdered in wombs each year in the USA and around the world. Millions. We must work toward saving the innocent, helpless, voiceless baby in the womb. A baby with a soul from God! Every single unborn baby is worthy of being saved. Please pray to end all abortions and for us to keep saving more babies lives! Unborn lives matter to God! 

Jesus Loves Infants! He Would Never Approve of Abortion and Killing Innocent, Helpless, Voiceless Babies!

  They brought unto Him also infants.  - Luke 18:15 Jesus loved the little children, He said bring the children to me! All humans from God have souls. We are made in His image. The unborn alike. We need to stop aborting babies. We need to save every single one of them. Abortion is murder and murder is a sin. A humane so called civilized society should not be allowing abortion, the killing of a human soul, an innocent, helpless, voiceless baby. We need to stop using abortion as a form of birth control. It is wrong to kill babies. This morning the Mornings with God App had a nice write-up, prayer, and Bible verse about children. Jesus loved children and said to bring them to Him, that we all need to act like children to get into Heaven. While the Bible may not mention abortion since it was written 2000+ years ago, it is clear that of murder or killing, we are not supposed to kill. Jesus too loved infants, He would not like us killing babies, souls from God. We need to save the babies.  T