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Where is the Logic? What is wrong with this picture?

  Where is the Logic? What is wrong with this picture? I have thought about this same issue and irony for many years now. I just do not understand it!  I saw this cartoon in the Trader Jake's magazine here where I live. The hypocrisy from the left and people supporting abortion. They are such hypocrites when it comes to life. I am pro-life and against  abortion or the death penalty. I feel it is a form of murder and abortion should not be a form of birth control and should almost never be used or allowed. It may seem extreme, but it is killing a baby, a soul from God, a life, an innocent, helpless, voiceless baby. It is wrong! We use terms like women's reproductive rights, but what are they really, rights to murder a baby? Today we have all these people who push so much saving of rescue animals, I know some people like this, yet they think it is perfectly fine to murder or kill a human being, a baby. How can this be? Where is the logic, why is a rescue dog more important than
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"This is My Body" What Jesus Said, Abortion is Demonic by Satan as they use the same phrase-Blasphemy!

"This is My Body" What Jesus Said, Abortion is Demonic by Satan on GodTube It is incredible to watch this video, some of the first part is in Spanish, but most is in English too as the man speaking is speaking in English translating it in Spanish to share how demonic abortions are, coming right from Satan, sharing how anyone who supports abortions are really supporting Satan, being his slaves for the most part. The pro-abortion pushers say this is my body, like Jesus did. Satan loves people killing babies, it is all very sad. All we can do is pray and know that in our hearts God has planted His Spirit in us, we know right from wrong. We know abortion is murder and it is wrong as it is killing an innocent, helpless, voiceless baby. We need to stop this satanic act of abortion, murder, and stop killing babies, souls from God! The truth hurts, but abortion is really murder, it is demonic, it is satanic. Follow Jesus, imitate Jesus, reflect Jesus, He gave us His body to consume,

I Received This Text Today, Sad to See, But We Do Hear a Lot About this in the News, Sad Our Elected and So Called Leaders Promote Killing Babies So much!

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It is Sad in a Society that Pushes So Much Abortion as if it is a Satanic Ritual

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No Logic to Abortion and Murdering Unborn Babies!

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Sad that a Resident of The White House Pushes so Much Abortion in this Country!

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Praying Everyday for Conversion on Abortion, Another One Does Thank God!

  What a blessing today to read about this news from Just the News on Real Americas Voice News! I love this News App and their shows. They are very prolife and it is nice to hear that another Democrat converted to being Prolife and is against abortion. This is a blessing! If we can just keep praying, writing about it, showing how it hurts innocent, helpless, voiceless babies in the womb who have a right to life. We must as a society stop all abortions, or most of them anyway. While some may have concerns if rape, incest, or threaten life of the mother concerns are at play, but for the most part abortions is wrong. It is murder. It is unacceptable in a so called civilized and humane society. We need to stop using abortion as a form of birth control. It is wrong to do. We all need to step up and take responsibility. We need to stop all the fornication and sin that create unwanted pregnancy to begin with. It is all sin. And murdering babies is another one. We need to stop abortion and kil