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I Received This Text Today, Sad to See, But We Do Hear a Lot About this in the News, Sad Our Elected and So Called Leaders Promote Killing Babies So much!


I received this text today. It is sad to see, but we do hear a lot in the news about this VP promoting abortion so much, the killing of innocent, helpless, voiceless babies. So unaccepted, and this is leadership? Killing babies? How sad for our society! Are we really as civilized and humane as we tout?  Abortions is murder! It kills a soul from God, a gift, a life, a human being who has no say in their life. How can anyone in their right mind think this is okay to do? It saddens me so as a human being. I am sure since God gave us the Ten Commandments, and one is to not kill, that God and Jesus would never approve of taking a human life. People today use abortion as a form of birth control, not taking fornication and sin seriously at all, creating a life to kill it, it all seems so unfair, uncivilized, and completely in humane and unconscionable.  I will always stand for life and fight for the right of the unborn. Abortion is wrong, it is murder and no matter what some countries VP says, abortion is murder and it is wrong! 


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