Mom at Sixteen Movie on GodTube What a movie! This movie from 2005 shows the world of young people and sex. High schoolers are very sexually active. Many get pregnant and many have abortions. Jacey in the movie didn't want an abortion. She was mature for her age. Loved the father and her family supporter her to keep the baby. She was first going to put it up for adoption, but couldn't, then she finds some teachers from her new school who wanted a baby, but couldn't have one. She finally realizes for her future and what is best for the child, she would allow them to adopt her baby. It is a really touching movie. I applaud her for not aborting the baby and saving a life. This is a must see for any young pregnant expectant mother.
Unborn Lives Matter to God! Protect our babies. All unborn lives matter to God and many people. We need to protect them from murder, a real holocaust of today of innocence in our world. Unborn lives matter! Pray pray to end all abortions and the souls of the unborn who are not allowed to be born. God bless the unborn!