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Showing posts from October, 2022

A Must See Movie of Love: Saving a Baby, Families Matter!

Mom at Sixteen Movie on GodTube What a movie! This movie from 2005 shows the world of young people and sex. High schoolers are very sexually active. Many get pregnant and many have abortions. Jacey in the movie didn't want an abortion. She was mature for her age. Loved the father and her family supporter her to keep the baby. She was first going to put it up for adoption, but couldn't, then she finds some teachers from her new school who wanted a baby, but couldn't have one. She finally realizes for her future and what is best for the child, she would allow them to adopt her baby. It is a really touching movie. I applaud her for not aborting the baby and saving a life. This is a must see for any young pregnant expectant mother. 

An Abortion Miracle Story!

  Our priest told us in mass this weekend that of a story of how many from church go down to pray at the abortion clinic in Ft. Pierce and how there were 13 people going for abortions this week, but because of the people there praying, one did not go through with the abortion and a life was saved! Glory be to God! We all need to pray each day for an end to abortion and to save more babies lives. God wants this! We need to pray to end all abortions. We need all pregnancies to result in a life born! We need to choose life! Unborn lives matter to God and to our humane civilization! Please pray pray pray! 

Unborn Babies Have Souls from God at Conception!

  Thomas Aquinas was correct that the unborn receive their souls at conception; he was merely mistaken on when conception was finished, due to the science available. As modern medicine has shown, conception in humans occurs almost instantaneously, as soon as the sperm and the ovum unite. This may occur as soon as twenty minutes after the marital act.  According to the Catholic Source: They also said,  "Aquinas and a few other medieval Western writers held the forty-to-ninety-day conception theory, but the biological discoveries of the nineteenth century proved it wrong. The view provides little comfort for abortion advocates today for a variety of reasons. It was based on primitive science. It draws a distinction between males and females that many today would regard as sexist. It was held by only a few writers. No single theologian (even Aquinas) speaks for the Church. The writers who favor...

October is Respect Life Month in the Catholic Church!

  Yesterday in the church bulletin they put in there about how October is Respect Life Month. They do a lot in the church and with organizations to help prevent abortions and save babies lives. They pray a lot and say many rosaries. 40 Days for Life is a nice organization that does a lot nationally to bring awareness to abortion and saving the lives of the unborn.  I am glad some churches and people see value in all lives and respect the life of the unborn as unborn lives matter to God and so many of us! There are alternatives to abortion, and  we can do a better job in the USA and world to save babies lives and not murder them in the womb. It is a very cruel and heartless action to take  a life, even and unborn life matters to God. We need to do a better job saving the lives of innocent, helpless, voiceless babies in the womb. Unborn lives matter to God! Let's respect all life from natural conception to natural death. One beautiful thing about many Catholics and Chr...