Thomas Aquinas was correct that the unborn receive their souls at conception; he was merely mistaken on when conception was finished, due to the science available. As modern medicine has shown, conception in humans occurs almost instantaneously, as soon as the sperm and the ovum unite. This may occur as soon as twenty minutes after the marital act. According to the Catholic Source:
They also said,
"Aquinas and a few other medieval Western writers held the forty-to-ninety-day conception theory, but the biological discoveries of the nineteenth century proved it wrong. The view provides little comfort for abortion advocates today for a variety of reasons. It was based on primitive science. It draws a distinction between males and females that many today would regard as sexist. It was held by only a few writers. No single theologian (even Aquinas) speaks for the Church. The writers who favored the theory also opposed abortion as intrinsically evil at any stage.
At Conception is when it is viewed without the lens of Aristotelian science, the biblical view of ensoulment becomes clear. In the Old Testament, the psalmist assumes the humanity of the unborn child at conception when he says, “Indeed, I was born guilty, a sinner when my mother conceived me” (Ps. 51:5, NRSV). This indicates that the unborn child possesses a sinful, fallen nature at the time of conception (though it does not manifest in actual, personal sins until later; cf. Romans 9:11). Since sin is a spiritual phenomenon, the presence of a sinful nature indicates a spiritual nature and thus a soul, making the child a complete human being from conception."
Unborn babies, babies at conception have souls according to the Catholic teachings. We should not abort or kill them. We need to save babies lives, unborn lives matter. One great organization that I donate to and like, one of many is:
They provide sonograms to pregnant women so they can see the baby in them, which has helped to save many from abortion. It is a great organization to note to.
There is also a nice website that talks and answers questions about whether unborn and miscarriaged babies souls go to Heaven, check it out at:
One thing we all need to remember as human beings, babies even unborn babies have souls. We need to stop abortions and save the lives of these precious souls. Please stop abortions, pray to end abortion to save these innocent, helpless, voiceless babies in the womb because unborn lives matter to God and so many people! I was happy to hear today that Kanye West, Ye, is prolife and walks around with a sonogram photo on his neck showing the sonogram of a baby inside the womb, he is proud to also be a prolifer and against abortions especially as he said that so many African American mothers abort their babies and is such a sin. We all need to pray to end abortions and do what we each can to bring attention to the life of the unborn as unborn lives matter!
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