Petitioners to Promote Abortion for Voting Citizens to Push the Abortion Pro-Choice Movement is Sad!
Abortion is murder of an innocent, helpless, voiceless baby! That is what I told the young man yesterday who wanted me and my spouse to sign his petition to promote abortions here. He said we need them for rape and incest. But I did some research and found that only 1% of all women had an abortion because it was a result of rape, and 0.5% of women had an abortion because it was the result of an incestuous relationship according to:
I try not to entertain things like this that are not of God, the same people type who nailed Jesus to the cross are promoting killing innocent, helpless, voiceless babies. Many of these people, not women, just young men, have no clue about abortion and the problems it causes to our society as a whole and to the women who have their babies aborted, or murdered. The baggage they then have to care for the rest of their lives. It is not easy. If we truly are a humane and civilized world, we would outlaw this savage act of killing innocent, helpless, voiceless babies in the womb. It is murder! No if ands or buts about it. Those babies can be given a home, to some people who cannot have their own, or someone who wants a child or more willing to take them. Children are joy from God, His gift to all of us in humanity. We must value all life.
I will always speak up and defend the life of the unborn. I do not like it. I feel it is wrong and feel God is telling me in my heart to defend the unborn as unborn lives matter to God! I pray each day for an end to abortion in this country and world and that we protect the lives of the unborn!
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