I saw this editorial this morning and I thought, wow, how misguided! Where is the logic to killing any unborn babies? There are a lot of really sick people out there thinking abortion, the killing of unborn voiceless, helpless, and innocent babies is somewhat acceptable, it is not. I do not agree with this editorial. This is evil! Killing babies is wrong. While incest, rape, and safety of the mother are important, we need to stop allowing abortions otherwise. Contrariwise to this person's argument, saying we will resort to backstreet abortions is honestly reckless rhetoric. If we say we are a humane and civilized society, then we need to value all lives. Abortion and the death penalty are wrong. They are forms of murder. Only God has the right to take our lives through natural means. No one wants to ever talk about sin. Fornication is sin and causes many unwanted births due to careless actions of both the man and women involved. We avoid it or brush it under the rug, like there is no sin here. We want to use abortion as a form of birth control, thinking it is fine to kill babies. Abortion should never be used as birth control. This is a life from God with a soul. Almost all abortions are wrong. Most statistics show less than .05% are from rape and incest. Most are just an inconvenience and a form of birth control. We need to have a serious conversation about abortion in our society. It is sad to see the resident of the White House today who is supposed to be Catholic pushing so much abortion on this country, Catholics do not support abortion, it is against our religion. I plead with all Floridians to vote no on allowing abortions in this state. We must stand up for life and save every single helpless, voiceless, innocent baby we can.
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